

What is github?

Github is a repository hosting platform which uses version control system.

Now what is version control?

Version control helps an organisation and it's individual developers to track and manage changes to a code through branchinh and merging.

Three most basic git commands-

git add (file source)

git commit -m"(any message you want to attach while pushing)"

git push

It makes it easy for developers to share code files and collaborate with fellow developers on open-source projects. GitHub also serves as a social networking site where developers can openly network, collaborate, and pitch their work.

When a developer wants to make a change to a piece of software, they:

  • Download their copy of the source code from its central storage location (called a repository) to their local system

  • Make modifications safely to their copy

  • Merge their revised copy back with the source files in the repository

  • Add comments explaining the changes

You create a repository on GitHub that stores all the files, including current and past versions, then give your friend collaborator access to this repo as well.

In order for you both to push your changes at the same time without interfering with the other’s work, you create a branch — a separate development area — where your teammate can build out their screens. Meanwhile, you continue work in your branch.